
I am not a financial advisor nor fiduciary, and I do not give any of the recommendations or advice on this website, blog, my guest posts on any other blogs, or my Instagram @geobreezetravel in an actuarial capacity. I am not a certified public accountant, lawyer, therapist, certified financial planner, or any type of financial professional. Information shared here is based on my personal experience and research. Your experiences may differ from mine, and the research may be based on inaccurate materials because unsurprisingly not everything on the internet I find is completely true. 

The views expressed on this site are completely my own. They do not represent the views of any other person or company I am currently or have ever previously been affiliated with, any other organization, or anyone else besides myself. I make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis. 

My lawyer would advise me to let you know that everything I say here is just as an independently-minded math nerd that really likes getting free travel, often times by signing up for credit cards. Nothing on this site is an Actuarial Service. I do not make any future projections about how miles will turn out for you. This site is for educational and entertainment purposes only; just consider this all as a slightly-informative and not-at-all-funny comedy.